Access additional value potential for your canola
With Cargill Power Canola, you have access to a new domestic market with high growth potential, reducing reliance on export markets while providing additional value potential and full flexibility around your production and market decisions. Get rewarded and recognized for the good agronomic practices you're already using. The Cargill Power Canola program makes it easy for you to unlock access both to this new market and the European biofuels market with one simple, secure online enrollment process.
Note for Camrose crush plant customers and future Regina crush plant customers: Enrollment in Cargill Power Canola will be required in order to contract and deliver canola to these facilities.
How to enroll:
- See if this program is a fit by viewing the qualifications below.
- Follow the link that will take you to your account log-in.
- Click on the "sustainability" tab.
- Click to enroll in the program and select your crop year.
- Enter your field information and sign the attestation.
Not a CargillAg account user? Easy. Fill out this form to get started or contact your local Cargill rep for support.
See if you qualify
To participate in this program, your canola must be grown on land that is not:
Designated a protected area
Native or biodiverse grassland
Home to species at risk
A watershed or riparian zone
Forested or wooded
Do you meet the qualifications?
If your land meets the qualifications listed above, great! Begin enrolling below. If you're unsure whether your land use allows you to be eligible, talk with your Cargill rep as they'll be able to help you out.

Fuel your yield potential and earn account credit
With Cargill Power Canola, you have access to new markets, unlocking additional value potential while offering full flexibility around your production and marketing decisions. Purchase eligible canola inputs from Cargill between August 1, 2024 and July 31, 2025 to earn account credit with our FUEL UP! rewards program.
Regina crush plant bids are now live!
We're drawing closer to the completion of construction on the Regina crush plant. Canola bids are now available as we prepare to open in 2025. To view these bids, login to your CargillAg account and visit the Regina location page. If you don't yet have an account, you can sign-up here. Selling canola to Regina gives you access to the new domestic market for renewable fuels through Cargill Power Canola.
Frequently asked questions:
Who is eligible for the program?
To qualify, your canola must be grown on land that is not:
- Designated a protected area
- Home to species at risk
- Forested or wooded
- Native or biodiverse grassland
- A watershed or riparian zone
Growers in Canada are recognized as meeting the land use and biodiversity criteria, simplifying enrollment.
What is the timeline?
Cargill Power Canola 2025 enrollment is open now and will be available until the program is sold out. You can still enroll your 2024 crop until August 2025. The program requires an annual enrollment, and we require all canola coming into our Camrose and Regina crush plants to be enrolled in the program.
How do I enroll?
Simply login to your account and click the “Sustainability” tab. Choose your desired crop year and click “Enroll Now”. Enrollment is required for each crop year you will be delivering. Enter or confirm your field information and sign the required documents.
Should you have additional questions regarding enrollment, reach out to your local Cargill representative.
What happens if I do not enroll?
Growers who do not enroll in Cargill Power Canola will not be able to participate in this new and rapidly expanding domestic market, and may miss out on additional value potential for their canola. Additionally, Cargill will not accept canola for its Camrose facility that is not enrolled in the program. The Regina crush plant will also only be accepting canola enrolled in Cargill Power Canola upon opening of the facility.
How does Cargill use the data collected?
Cargill takes great care to protect the privacy of the data we collect from farmers. We adhere to strict policies regarding the use of data.
How can I learn more?
Login to your account to take the enrollment tool for a test drive or contact your local Cargill rep.