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- Choose your nearest retail location from the drop-down menu.
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- Choose the agronomic factors along the side bar most relevant to your farm.
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Good overall soybean genetics that can yield well above its heat unit grouping. It is a medium-height plant maintained, across field variability. It is shown to be a consistent performer on heavy soil textures.
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This hybrid is high yielding in average moisture environments and maintains performance and height on typically lower yielding acres. It's great for lighter soil textures and narrow row spacings and is good when IDC is a risk.
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This hybrid has high yield potential and performs well on narrow row spacing. It has strong IDC tolerance, making it an excellent fit for areas where that could be an issue. The Enlist herbicide system allows for excellent weed control.
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This variety is similar to B3010M, but with improved pod shatter tolerance. B3012M performs best in mid to late growing zones. It contains resistance to blackleg and verticillium stripe making this a great choice for disease management.
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This variety is similar to B3010M, with pod shatter tolerance and mid-maturity. It contains resistance to blackleg, verticillium stripe, and clubroot resistance including a new source of clubroot resistance making this a great choice for disease management.
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New for 2025, this hybrid will be one of Brevant's "flagship" hybrids. This is a mid-season hybrid with LL technology. This variety has their Clubroot rating of CR6+, which is their highest resistance rating (2nd gen).
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Protect your canola crop with Cargill MarketGuard™
Add market risk protection to your canola crop. With no obligation to deliver and no contract buyout costs in the event of crop failure, Cargill MarketGuard can give you the confidence to forward contract and take advantage of seasonal highs. You buy the seed you want, contract your crop how and when you want, and Cargill shares the risk.
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VICTORY Canola Program
Managing a transparent supply chain from seed to oil.
We're the only North American specialty canola company that provides a fully integrated and transparent supply chain from seed to oil. Our growers are an important link in this supply chain, delivering superior oils to customers around the world. At Cargill, we can confidently say that our growers and their crops meet the highest standards of quality and integrity.
Clearfield, InVigor, Liberty, and LibertyLink, are registered trademarks of BASF Corporation, used under license. BrettYoung is a trademark, and DefendR is a registered trademark of BrettYoung Seeds Limited, used under license. VICTORY is a registered trademark of Cargill Incorporated, used under license. Roundup, Roundup Ready, Roundup Transorb, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend, R/T 540, XtendiMax, TruFlex and Dekalb are trademarks of Bayer Group, Monsanto Canada ULC licensee. All other products mentioned are trademarks of their respective companies.