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Farmer in field with ipad

Create an Offer online

It's important to have flexibility and choice when it comes to selling your grain in a way that's right for you. You now have the ability to sell grain by creating an Offer on from your desktop or mobile device. You can now make an online Offer from anywhere, anytime. All you need to do is login to your CargillAg account, view local bids, and create an Offer.

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A truck driving on a highway with flowering fields on either side, a 3D rendering of a crush facility on the horizon

Regina crush plant bids are now live!

We're drawing closer to the completion of construction on the Regina crush plant. Canola bids are now available as we prepare to open in 2025. To view these bids, login to your CargillAg account and visit the Regina location page. If you don't yet have an account, you can sign-up here. Selling canola to Regina gives you access to the new domestic market for renewable fuels through Cargill Power Canola.

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